The PBC Scholarship

Application Deadline:  Applications are due by Friday, December 13, 2024 at 12pm.

Please download and read the scholarship qualifications and stipulations before submitting your application.
NOTE: You must submit attendance reports and/or letters from church leaders that define your personal church involvement for the following dates: June 1, 2024 - December 1, 2024.

NOTICE:  By submitting your information, you are stating that you understand that all qualifications must be met in order for you to be considered for this scholarship. Qualification does not guarantee a scholarship.

Scholarship Requirements


  1. The student must be a current member of Philadelphia Baptist Church (LC applicants), or Philadelphia Baptist Church must have been the student’s home church (all other applicants) for a minimum of 1 year.
  2. The student must be a Christian.
  3. The student must be involved in church services, have a minimum of 50% Sunday school
    attendance, and actively participate in at least one other ministerial activity.
  4. The student must be planning to pursue a college degree at a Christian college or
  5. The student must have a high school or college undergraduate academic grade point
    average of at least a cumulative of 2.5 from the previous semester (college) or overall
    (high school).
  6. The student must furnish a transcript of high school/college grades to the scholarship
    committee with application.
  7. The student must provide goals and personal reasons for applying for this scholarship.
  8. The student must agree to be interviewed by the scholarship committee each semester.
  9. The student must provide a record of Sunday school attendance from the church they
    attend, including Philadelphia Baptist Church. (contact the church office for this record)

Stipulations for Maintaining the Scholarship:

  1. The recipient(s) must maintain a minimum of a cumulative average of 2.5.
  2. The recipient(s) must furnish the committee with a transcript with application from the
    college in which he/she was enrolled, showing current grades at the end of each
    semester. If not, application will not be considered.
  3. The recipient(s) must be classified as a full-time student at the college in which he/she is
  4. The committee will confirm the number of courses and credits of each applicant at the
    beginning of each semester before the money is sent to the financial aid office.
  5. The recipient(s) must follow requirements and standards of the college in which he/she
    is enrolled.
  6. The recipient(s) must display Christian standards at all times.
  7. The recipient(s) shall be immediately disqualified if improper conduct not becoming a
    Christian is displayed or reported to this committee.
  8. The recipient(s) shall obtain this scholarship through agreements made with officials of
    their college and our Church Scholarship Committee.
  9. The recipient(s) shall receive benefits of this scholarship through a check sent directly to
    the officials at the college in which he/she is enrolled.
  10. The recipient(s) must re-apply at the beginning of each semester according to
    committee standards.
  11. The recipient(s) must bear in mind that he/she is representing Philadelphia Baptist
    Church in receiving this scholarship award.

Apply Now

Submit your application online. By doing so you acknowledge you have read and agree to the requirements and  qualifications listed above.